Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Thousand Strange Places

Life is returning to normal...I'm decorating for the holidays, touring schools for Sammy for next year, and I just got back from my first official midwife's appointment. During which the police showed up at my house. You know. Just normal life.

However, I would be remiss if I didn't post pictures on the blog about a time when life was not so normal...a time when we sailed the wine-dark sea and walked the alleys of the East...a time when we viewed a thousand strange faces and a thousand strange places, and through it all clung to our quest for bold adventure:

Fish pedicures
and a firm knowledge of who we were and where we came from:
Formal night after a couple weeks at sea
So now, without further ado, I give you: Italy, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Greece, and Crete!
Yes, that's me.



And back on our ship...

Austin gets bored and starts making these small towel animals...
And back home...
where Sammy calls me "Nana" for a week and Cici won't let me out of her sight...the girls have commandeered our empty suitcase and go on frequent trips. I don't plan on going anywhere for a while. These epic trips sure take it out of you.


Write for the generations! said...

awesome awesome memories
thanks for sharing
love you

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